This dish was the best thing that I ate in Shanghai. The one dish that I really enjoyed eating. The fish was fresh but it is the spicy pickled mustard greens that was most delicious. And appetising. Goes really well
Hanoi: The West Lake
TBH has been to Hanoi twice for work before this trip, staying in hotels located in the city. His experience with the hotels in the city was that they can get quite noisy with the street traffic. So we decided
Hanoi: TBH’s Birthday Dinner
27 August 2011. This Hanoi trip was to celebrate TBH’s *erm* 4X birthday. Prior to the trip, I did some research and decided on having his birthday dinner at La Badiane, a modern European restaurant located in an alleyway in
The People I Used To Make Music With
^Photo taken with my iPhone by a staff in the restaurant. This is the first photo of me and/or my friends on this blog. I thought about it for a while and decided that I really wanted to put this
National Day Pow-wow
9 August 2011. For some years now, it has become some sort of a National Day ritual (is there a better word to describe this..?) for us to hang out at a friend’s place over a home-cooked brunch, booze and
Japanese Curry

Yesterday, I had a Facebook discussion with an old friend about where we could find good Japanese curry in Singapore. We concluded that none of the curry which we have tried so far in the Japanese restaurants here were half
The Best Curry
….is Mom’s chicken curry. Very lemak. Just look at the deep orangy colour of the gravy. But it could do with ALOT more salt. As she ages, her cooking gets more bland because she uses very little salt. Or maybe
Happy Easter
I don’t go to church so a good breakfast was where TBH and I headed to on Easter morning. It has been a long while since we visited Yong He for Taiwan meesua, soybean milk and dough fritters. I love
ColdStone Creamery Suki
私は ColdStone Creameryのice-cream をたべるのが すきです。韓国で いつも 食べました。 とても美味しいです。 すきなice-creamは Strawberry Banana Rendevous です。 So glad that ColdStone is now in Singapore. But I like eating it alot better in cold weather than in our humid weather. And I think I’m getting somewhere in figuring out how to
^ Quite a pretty place. And it was rather quiet on a Saturday afternoon. Perfect for catching up with friends over a meal. Thought the food was decent but could do with a bit more punch. 先週の土曜日 わたしと主人と友達は DempseyのPamplemousseで 昼ごはんを たべました。レストランのなかは きれいだったで、しずかだったです。わたしたちは セトランチに した。それに ワインのボトルを注文。たかくなったんです。 私は セトゥンチのメニュから注文 salmonとuni taglioliniとosmanthus creme buleeです。全部 おいしかったですけど、uni
Char Siew Pork Ribs
私は 晩ご飯に よく料理を 作りました。 おいしかったと 思いました。 Baked pork ribs marinated with char siew sauce for dinner. (A bit too salty this time….) Plus corn-on-the-cob, broccoli and sweet potatoes on the side. I like this photo not for the food but because of the creamy
Corn Off The Cob
^ Taken with the Lumix GF2. I have been terribly remiss in writing posts on this blog in the past month or so. Because I have been too busy overdosing on a myriad of distractions. Mangas. Animes. Korean dramas. Japanese
Durian Orgy
One of the most satisfactory things to do in this world is biting into the bitter and creamy flesh of durian. I can’t even to describe the high I get from the taste of durian. How is it possible for anyone