A new cafe at North Canal Road from the folks behind The Plain and Ronin.  I have been to The Plain many times, but not Ronin.

 photo IMG_8796-160131-v2__zps4p4hqk4c.jpg photo IMG_8595-160131-v2__zps5i2hi1gy.jpg photo IMG_8794-160131-v2__zpsslnbmpey.jpg photo IMG_8793-160131-v2__zpsh071hipl.jpg photo IMG_8602-160131-v2__zpscmjq9uib.jpgPunch has a beautiful space, with a courtyard and a green wall, which is spacious and airy.  We had coffee, and because we liked the warm hospitality showed by the folks (very rare in Singapore), we extended our stay with two glasses of white wine. They let us try their cookie-brownie sandwich filled with an expresso buttercream which was really nice.  Next time, we will try their casual-dining menu.

There is a place I can now go to for coffee after eating beef noodles at North Canal Road.

Punch Cafe At North Canal Road
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