I am trying to get myself back onto a reading routine. I am feeling a bit sheepish about reading so little in 2012, but I just could not get hold of any satisfying reads.
What happened to the days when the first thing I reached out for the minute I woke up was the book on my bedside table? Nowadays, I reach for my iPhone to check for messages and email that came in over the night.
What happened to the days when I could not sleep unless I read a few pages of a book? Nowadays, it is the iPad that I fall alsleep with. It usually hits my face with a thunk and jolts me awake.
I used to go everywhere with a book in my bag. I disliked the idea of commuting without a book to read. It was easier to pass the time with a book when waiting for the bus or the train. These days, I drive and even when I am whiling away my time waiting for someone or something, I have my iPhone to entertain me. As my husband says, I have to stop this iPhone addiction. I absolutely agree. But where, oh where is the iPhone detox clinic?
Last week, I checked in on all the book blogs that I follow on Google Reader (damn, what am I going to do when Google Reader is discontinued after 1 Jul…?) and looked around GoodReads to get some book recommendations. Then I went straight to the library’s reservation site and reserved 4 books. I felt really happy collecting these books over the weekend, and I sort of relived those happy childhood days of my weekly visits to the library.
Crossing that these books will turn out to be great reads. I badly need a good book fix! I know that I will enjoy Farahad Zama’s Mrs Ali’s Road to Happiness and Zoe Ferarris’s Kingdom of Strangers. That’s a 50% hit rate!
Time to go and lie in bed with a book. Good night!