I just read seven volumes of The Embalmer online, and am wishing that more volumes were available in English. I love this manga! It is about Shinjyurou Mamiya, a half-American and half-Japanese medical student who decides to abandon his medical studies
Manga: What Did You Eat Yesterday Vol. 1
What did I eat yesterday? I indulged in gluttony. I had an Egg McMuffin meal for breafast, durian ice cream for tea, and delicious zichar (seafood horfun, fried pork ribs, sambal kangkong and homemade tofu) at Por Kee in Tiong Bahru. I
Manga: Gokudou Meshi
I am reading another food-themed manga called Gokudou Meshi on JManga. This manga has a very interesting setting – in a Japanese prison! How does one spin a food-themed yarn in a prison…? I have only read Volume 1 so
Manga: Ekiben Hitoritabi
I have recently started reading this really interesting gourmet manga called Ekiben Hitoritabi on JManga, a manga portal. JManga allows manga readers access to their mangas online using a point system. I purchase a certain number of JManga points with
Manga: The Drops Of God
Last Christmas, I gave TBH the first two volumes of The Drops of God , a Japanese manga about wine as his Christmas present. I saw the manga being reviewed positively on a number of manga blogs. Since the husband

The minute I read about this manga Oishinbo on the book blog, In Spring It Is The Dawn, I knew I would love it. Oishinbo is a long-running series in Japan – it has been around since 1983 and there are currently 100 volumes in the series.